Noud Sleumer is a conceptual designer whose role is to critique ‘the act of making’. Within self-initiated and explorative projects his focus is trained on methods of deconstruction and reduction. Simplicity is the tool that underlies these approaches and enables Sleumer to create new playgrounds of creativity, in which we can collectively re-examine our relationship to man-made matter. 

































Cracking (known as hacking) smart-toys is going beyond stealing data. Most already existing smart-toys are unsafe, since they exist out of unprotected features and components. Because there are no laws in order to secure the privacy and health of users, criminals are able to easily crack these digital toys and transform the user into a victim.

What if crackers stop cracking and start designing smart-toys? A criminal smart-toy could have all harmful features to feed the cracker's needs. Chancing the perspective of the maker displays what is already possible with smart-toys that are on sale now. And exaggerated scenario of a very real situation is created.

© Noud Sleumer, 2020